Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) devices have revolutionised the landscape of rehabilitation and healthcare, offering transformative effects on individuals with neurological impairments. These innovative devices employ electrical currents to stimulate targeted muscles, enabling individuals to regain lost function and mobility. From restoring movement in paralysed limbs to enhancing muscle strength and coordination, the potential of FES devices is vast and promising.
In this article, we delve into the profound transformational effects of FES devices by sharing two inspiring success stories of individuals who have triumphed over their injuries with the help of FES technology. These personal narratives will illuminate the remarkable journey of recovery and highlight the immense potential of FES devices in restoring function and improving lives.
Success Story 1: Karen's Story
“I believe I am healthy 31 years after being paralyzed because of the use of FES.”
— Karen Roy
When Karen was 19, she was shot in the back during an armed robbery, resulting in a T10 complete spinal cord injury.
Karen first discovered the RT300 at an ability expo which resulted in her getting one for her home. When Karen first tried it, she felt “Amazing!”
“I love to feel my muscles contract and get stronger! I love the cardiovascular workout.”
She loves that the RT300 works her calf and ab muscles, unlike other FES devices. She also likes that the RT300 is smaller than her previous FES device, and is even portable for travel!
Karen uses her device three to four times a week, or as much as she can, which has resulted in a reduced amount of spasms and increased muscle definition. When she doesn’t use it regularly, Karen reports feeling weaker and weight gain.
In addition to standing, Karen says her device has kept her wound, fracture, and contraction free.
Based on her experience, Karen believes that the RT300 should be recommended to ALL patients that qualify for one.
“I hope physicians and therapists are being taught about how life changing this technology is for people with spinal cord injuries. It has saved my life by keeping me healthy and active for 31 years. I’m 50 years old and in great shape.”
Karen lives a very active lifestyle, enjoying sports such as adaptive rowing, water skiing, and snow skiing. She also likes going to the beach and concerts in her free time.
When asked about what’s next, Karen said, “I plan to write a book about my journey to becoming Ms. Wheelchair America 2019.”
Congrats, Karen! We can’t wait to read it!
“Be persistent and you can accomplish anything!” she said.
Success Story 2: Lonnie's Story
“I’ve seen motion return in my right foot. I can move it some, wiggle my big toe, move my foot down and inward to the left. Last month, I even got a little movement out of my left toe.”
— Lonnie Christian
Lonnie had a blood clot pressing on his spine, causing paralysis. Doctors worked for several hours to remove the lamina on the back of his spine in order to access the 4-inch clot.
He left the hospital a paraplegic, immobile from the chest down.
“I saw Dr. John McDonald on MSNBC talking about the functional electrical stimulation he was developing, and I contacted him.”
Soon after, Lonnie bought his own RT300. He has seen better muscle tone and decreased muscle spasticity.
After each session, he feels mentally rejuvenated.
“I depend on the RT300 as a critical part of my routine. I like that I can pull my wheelchair right up to it – no transfer. And the RT300 is so compact, it doesn’t take up a lot of space in my living room and has wheels if we have to move it. I haven’t travelled with it yet, but I want to.”
Lonnie also appreciates that the device electronically transmits his session performance data to Restorative Therapies, where a proactive patient service representative monitors results and contacts him with feedback.
“It makes me more accountable!” he confesses. “If I fall off my therapy routine, I can immediately tell the difference. I definitely get more muscle spasticity.”
With his newfound strength and functionality, Lonnie started aiming for another goal: Competitive archery.
“My goal is to make the 2008 US Paralympic team. No one has ever made it in the short tenure I’m going to try to make it in,” smiles Lonnie. “I hope to be disqualified from Para Archery one day because I’ll be walking!”
It’s clear that the sky’s the limit for Lonnie.
“I’m so glad God gave me a second chance at life,” reflects Lonnie.
Rehabilitation with Restorative Therapies RT300
RT300 is Restorative Therapies’ flagship product line that incorporates functional electrical stimulation (FES) integrated with motor assistance/resistance activities to optimise therapeutic goals. Their proprietary software provides real-time biofeedback, data-tracking and sophisticated control algorithms that are designed for a wide range of neurological impairments.
The equipment comes with up to 12 channels of stimulation and can be customised to meet unique needs and lifestyle, whether it is for pediatric, adolescents or adults. Moreover, it is equipped with real-time patented spasm and fatigue management, and can be safely used with most chairs or wheelchairs.
To find out more about RT300, visit our page now:
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