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Reduce Infection Rate & Hospital Costs with Simulab CentraLineMan Training

Simulab CentraLineMan Training

Dr. Jeffrey H. Barsuk, Associate Professor in Medicine at the Feinberg School of Medicine Simulation Technology and Immersive Learning Center, is responsible for the oversight and training of internal medicine residents for bedside procedures which includes central venous catheter insertion. Through this article, he covers this program’s successful use and eye-opening research of the CentraLineMan by Simulab.

Simulation-based Mastery Learning

Dr. Jeffrey H. Barsuk, Associate Professor in Medicine at the Feinberg School of Medicine Simulation Technology and Immersive Learning Center

“When we use Simulab’s CentraLineMan to train our residents in central venous catheter insertions we use what’s called “simulation-based mastery learning”. This mastery learning is an extreme form of competency-based learning where all trainees are required to meet a very high standard of skill and demonstrate on the simulator before they are able to work with patients.

The Simulab CentraLineMan simulator is a very efficient way to train our internal medicine residents on central line insertions. In fact, it is of very high fidelity and resembles the patient’s anatomy probably more accurately than any other simulator on the market. In addition the CentraLineMan is a lot more affordable than its best alternative.

Effectiveness of Simulab Solutions

Effectiveness of Simulab Solutions

Our involvement with CentraLineMan started in about 2006 with a small pilot project where we actually trained all our internal medicine residency and emergency medicine residents using simulation-based mastery learning on this simulator. We trained the residents right before they were about to rotate through our medical intensive care unit.

In the medical intensive care unit there’s a high volume of central venous catheter insertions so the learning was timely. We were able to demonstrate that through our training using Simulab’s product so that line insertions on actual patients were actually safer. In essence, we decreased the number of attempts that trainees had to make for the line to be successfully placed, as well as the number of erroneous arterial punctures. 

Most importantly, we reduce the incidence of central line associated bloodstream infections in hospitals.”

Experience of Working with Simulab

Dr. Barsuk continued: “I’ve been working with Simulab since 2006 and my experience is that they are very responsive to their customers as well as feedback about their products – they take their products very seriously. Physicians had mentioned to customer support at Simulab that an articulating head would be particularly useful on the manikin. A patient obviously has a head that can sometimes be an impedance to proper central venous catheter insertion. In response Simulab came up with a head for their manikin.

As you know there are several central line simulators available on the market and by far, having worked with all of them, I find that the Simulab CentraLineMan allows the most realistic line insertion at the most cost-efficient level.”

Optimise your Training Curriculum with Simulab CentralineMan

Vascular catheters are a common source of infection if they are not performed with proper nursing care, making hands-on simulation-based training all the more necessary. Simulab’s CentraLineMan System is the most widely used Central Venous Catheterization training solution in the market today. This flexible system offers unsurpassed value with clinically relevant anatomy, time-tested ultrasound-compatible tissues, with market-leading durability from needle sticks to full catheterizations.

The CentraLineMan System features clinically relevant landmarks and anatomy. Learners can practise performing full venous catheterization using ultrasound-guided or blind/landmark insertion approaches at the subclavian, supraclavicular, and internal jugular vein sites. This vascular access trainer also includes accurate internal and external landmarks that are palpable and/or visible under ultrasound.

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