Featured Products
BodyWorks Eve
An ultra-realistic female patient simulator designed for interactive Point of Care Ultrasound (PoCUS) scenario training.
Eve comes with over 100 cases using real patient scans, and over 10,000 pathology variations across cardiac, lung, transabdominal and pelvic ultrasound.
It is designed to meet the training needs of healthcare professionals who wish to practise PoCUS in Emergency Medicine and Critical Care.
Benefits of BodyWorks Eve:
- Over 100 patient cases and over 10,000 pathology variations
- Customisable patient lists
- Full torso scanning
- Doppler and M-Mode functions
- Flexible teaching & supported learning
BabyWorks Sam
BabyWorks Sam is an ultra-realistic baby manikin offering a safe and effective training tool for Point of Care Ultrasound (PoCUS) and Echocardiography in pediatric and neonatal care.
This ultrasound simulator offers accurate, palpable landmarks and real patient scans, providing a high fidelity, accurate scanning experience meaning you can scan as you would a real baby.
Benefits of BabyWorks Sam:
- Active scenario training: Easily change the pathology, heart and/or respiratory rate and the severity of the pathology instantly to test assessment and decision-making skills.
- Echocardiography: Integrate high fidelity HeartWorks cardiac simulation for Transthoracic (TTE) and Transesophageal (TEE) Echocardiography in pediatric and neonatal care.
- Cardiac Anatomy: Highly realistic and fully interactive model of the heart with over 140 intra-cardiac structures labeled.
- Customisable patient list:
Tutors can create their own patient cases from any of the pathologies on the system and create tailored clinical information. - Doppler & M-mode functions:
Color, pulsed wave, and continuous-wave Doppler available in all regions of all cases, as well as M-Mode, Biplane and, a measurements and calculations package with reporting functionality. - Flexible teaching supported learning:
Over 57 patient cases using real patient scans will develop diagnostic skills and recognition of common abnormalities in point of care scenarios to guide evaluation and decision-making for patient referral or discharge.
ScanNav Anatomy PNB
ScanNav Anatomy PNB is designed to enhance the accuracy and standardisation of ultrasound image interpretation by providing a real-time colour overlay of key sono-anatomical structures.
This enables qualified healthcare professionals to perform more ultrasound-guided regional anaesthesia with safety and enhanced accuracy.
Benefits of ScanNav Anatomy PNB:
- 9 high-value ultrasound guided regional anaesthesia procedures
- Built-in 3D animated reference material
- Real-time highlighting of sono-anatomical structures
- Provides confidence of the identification of sono-anatomy
- Small footprint cart with adjustable height
HeartWorks offers a range of packages for Transthoracic (TTE) and Transesophageal (TEE) echocardiography and is considered to be the most in-depth and realistic simulation of the heart available today.
It enables users to acquire a detailed knowledge of the heart anatomy and cardiac structures through a highly realistic and fully interactive model of the human heart.
Benefits of HeartWorks:
- Color, PW and CW Doppler in all cases
- Remote e-Learning
- Relate images to anatomy
- Explore complex cardiac anatomy with live 3D volume captures
- 30 heart and lung cases
ScanTrainer is an educational tool that uses real patient scans and curriculum-based teaching across obstetrics, gynecology, general medicine, and emergency medicine.
Skills are taught and assessed at all levels, making it perfect for someone picking up the probe for the very first time, an expert learning advanced sonography skills, and everyone between.
Benefits of ScanTrainer:
- Realistic scanning experience with over 1000 real cases
- Probe manipulation skills module
- Replicates learning with an expert in the room
- Remote management for tutors and administrators
- Real-time assessment
Here is a list of the other products:
- HeartWorks AR
- ScanNav Assist
More Information
We are the exclusive partner of Intelligent Ultrasound’s products. Available in Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand.
Visit partner’s site at www.intelligentultrasound.com. All product information are from our partner.